So says The Farmer Report, the latest Government Report on the state of the UK construction industry. For years there have been warnings about the industry’s inability to produce the goods, either in quantity or in quality, and this is the direst warning yet.
To survive, our industry needs to be more positive and more receptive to customer aspirations. The growing Self and Custom Build sectors of the housing market are indicative of disaffection with the standard of offerings from the commercial sector. Change is essential if the industry to survive, but it doesn’t need to be revolution.
BecoWallform offers one route to more and better building using existing resources. The building method makes use of existing trade skills such as groundworking, masonry and carpentry, supplemented by the technique of placing concrete. Production output is significantly better than traditional construction and performance standards well ahead of Building Regulations, now and for the future. Not only that, but the system is attractive to the younger generation and apprenticeships shorter than for traditional skills.
Increased production on site with a smaller site establishment offers further cost savings and the end result is a positive step towards Sustainability in Construction.
By increasing productivity and building to higher standards with locally sourced labour and materials, Wallform is already cost competitive, and as production levels continue to increase, so the economies will become ever more obvious.
The Farmer Report says we must change or succumb to imported skills and materials. BecoWallform is an opportunity to improve both output and building performance using our existing resources.