ICF Quotations Made Even Easier

ICF Quotations Made Even Easier

As part of our on-going effects to develop our website, we have recently made some improvements to our Project Plans Uploader page. Now you can upload multiple project files simultaneously for a free BecoWallform estimate or quotation.

Provided your project plans are in either DWG, DXF, DWF or PDF file formats, you can upload up to eight separate files in one easy step. Simply complete the form with your details, click browse to choose your drawing files, and press ‘Submit’ when ready.

The Uploader can also handle .zip files as well, in which case you can upload all your drawings inside a single file up to a maximum of 10MB in size.

What Happens Next

As soon as your plans arrive with us, they will be printed off and checked, following which you’ll receive a confirmation of receipt email along with your Quote Reference Number. Normally quotations then take 1-2 weeks to process and return.

ICF Quotations Made Even Easier was last modified: January 8th, 2020 by Beco