Renovation Project – Kelso

Renovation Project – Kelso

Once upon a time there was a tiny, neglected barn by a big tree, all the way up in the Scottish Borders.

What it needed was a little TLC and a lorry load of BecoWallform!


However, this is no tall tale. As you can see from the progress photos, what looked initially to be a very unpromising and dilapidated structure has been transformed into a highly desirable and energy efficient home.

This is all due to some extremely tasteful, high quality renovation work, combined with a sympathetically proportioned extension built using the Wallform 313 system.

548 Spring Farm Cott. Oct07.6

Thanks to the dedication of the client in re-purposing an old building, this little barn will now live happily ever after…

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Renovation Project – Kelso was last modified: March 26th, 2024 by Beco