The key to Sustainable Construction lies in the performance of the building fabric. With considerate design, this reduces energy requirements for heating and ventilation to the level of passive operation ie active eating is only required in conditions of extreme temperature.
As an insulated structure, BecoWallform offer passive energy performance standards while proving a strong and durable structure for all designs and sizes of school buildings – from multi-storey colleges to large volume sports halls and small single storey annex buildings.
Whatever the design, the Wallform construction remains based on a standard format of interlocking components selected to satisfy the design specifications for:
- Architecture
- Fire resistance
- Energy efficiency
- Low maintenance
- Structure
- Acoustic performance
- Flood resistance
More than this, Wallform construction has exceptional durability and performance levels which do not degrade over time.
The ongoing investment programme in the nation’s schools is recognised as a catalyst for the sustainable regeneration of both communities and capital assets.
As a cornerstone for the development of our young and future generations, a welcoming and comfortable environment promotes the achievement of excellence in education.
CASE STUDY: Building Schools